FP25 Arch
Wood Fireplace

When looking for a more traditional fireplace design for your home, the bold play of the FP25 ARCH combines the modern convenience of a wall-mounted fireplace with classic arched detail. Highly efficient and EPA Certified, the FP25 ARCH is powered by our renowned floating firebox, high capacity baffle system, and EBT2 for extended burn times.
- Mobile home approved
- Extended Burn Technology (EBT)
- Two 80 cfm temperature actuated variable speed blower/s
- Oversize glass viewing window
- Single-Lever Air Control
- Integrated Heat Exchanger
- Cast iron door
- East-West loading
- Requires 6″ chimney
- EPA Certified
- Reliable, durable non-catalytic technology
- Air wash system for super clean ceramic glass
- High-tech multi-port combustion air injection system
- Inside and outside combustion air capable
- Floating firebox for extended stove life
- 304 Stainless Steel baffle, insulation cover, rails and flame shield
- Boost air for easy lighting
- BTU 85,000
- Emission 3.47 g/hr
- Log Size 18 in
- Burn Time 8 hour

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