Tofino i20S
Gas Fireplace

The i20S is an excellent performer with a full range of features for smaller spaces. Enjoy the ambience of interior lighting and a unique split-flow burner system that allows for maximum control of flame height and heat output.
- SIT Pro Flame 2 valve
- Full flames
- Integrated micro-mesh safety screen
- Split – Flow Burner
- Interior Lighting
- Manual Control
- Built in blower
- Burner Base (Burner Media package sold separately)
- No-Tool Decorative front installation
- Multiple decorative front options
- Integrated Levelling System
- Remote Control
- Easy Venturi and Flue Damper Adjustment
- NG or LP Dedicated Units
- BTUs 20,000
- Width 29"
- Height 19 7/8 "
- Depth 17 7/8"

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